Women in Belarus Wikipedia

It has retained closer political and economic ties to Russia than have any of the other former Soviet republics. Belarus and Russia signed a treaty on a two-state union on 8 December 1999 envisioning greater political and economic integration. Although Belarus agreed to a framework to carry out the accord, serious implementation has yet to take place and current negotiations on further integration have been contentious. Since his election in July 1994 as the country’s first and only directly elected president, Alyaksandr LUKASHENKA has steadily consolidated his power through authoritarian means and a centralized economic system. Government restrictions on political and civil freedoms, freedom of speech and the press, peaceful assembly, and religion have remained in place. Restrictions on political freedoms have grown increasingly strained following the disputed presidential election in August 2020.

In the past, observers reported authorities threatened individuals who refused https://staging-goodknights.kinsta.cloud/william-j-glackens-finnish-woman-pennsylvania-academy-of-the-fine-arts/ to work with fines or unpaid premium compensation. However, contrary to previous years, approximately 500,000 citizens abstained from participating in the national subbotnik in 2020, and observers did not report any retaliation for nonparticipation. A media report noted workers at a state-run hospital expressed fear of reprisals in the form of withholding of wages if they failed to participate. Government decrees announcing subbotniks are required to state their voluntary nature. The authorities have previously corrected https://thegirlcanwrite.net/belarus-women/ subbotnik announcements that fell afoul of the law and rebuked implicated officials.

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  • Savchuk, now retired, was the captain of the Ukrainian team that lost to the United States in the qualifying round of the Billie Jean King Cup in Asheville, N.C., in April.
  • In doing so, the average income of female workers in Belarus is significantly lower than men’s one.
  • With the incorporation of the Belarusian territories into the Great Lithuanian Duchy and later into the Polish-dominated Commonwealth, Roman Catholicism and Protestantism flourished in Belarus.
  • In those two cases, a sex trafficker was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment and a fine for exploiting Belarusian women in Poland, and a child sex trafficker was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment and a fine.
  • He called attitudes against the corporal punishment of children “nonsense from the West” and insisted that “good” punishment of children could be useful to them.

There are some situations when the mother is arrested in Belarus, and the children made it in time to escape to Lithuania without any relatives. If a Belarusian woman has no political asylum , her child will have no citizenship and will have issues with getting a residence permit. I.e., in future there will be a certain number of newborn illegal Belarusian children in Lithuania. Have problems with access to information, legal assistance, lack of political lobbing and attention to the problems of Belarusian women in Lithuania. Suffer from constant attacks and provocations organized by the KGB and other special services of the Belarusian regime, the FSB of Russia, including attempts to recruit agents among Belarusians in exile. Approximately the same difference in favor of males is maintained among the testers.

After she was filmed telling a police officer “I am just out for a walk,” many protesters adopted the slogan. But as Lukashenko struggles to quash the unrest, it appears the government is changing its tactic — cracking down on female protesters. Mirochnik said while she thinks Kolesnikova’s arrest will not slow down the protests, people have taken her detention as “a personal insult.” Kolesnikova, with her signature bleached blonde hair and red lipstick, has walked alongside protesters https://vigilsatiendadigital.com/british-womens-writing-of-the-great-war-chapter-the-cambridge-companion-to-the-literature-of-the-first-world-war/ in rallies, boldly approaching riot police, demanding that mass detentions stop.

Belarusian women: even the work does not save us from poverty

It turns out that a person is still without any severance pay – and everything seems to be according to the law. Moreover, the contract system created by the decree of President Alexander Lukashenko absolutely contradicts the Labor Code of Belarus. As a result, today Belarus is the only country in the world where the absolute majority of employees – about 90% – work on short-term employment contracts, without any guarantees for the future. Nevertheless, there is a range of professions with sufficiently high levels of income that are simply banned for women by law in Belarus.

Protecting Rights, Saving Lives

Mothers can take paid maternity leaves and paid sick-days when their children are ill. More than 10 percent of the population continue their education in several universities around the country. Literacy level is very high; 98 percent of the population age fifteen and over can read and write. Traditionally, marriage was a matter of mutual consent between the young, but the custom also required the consent of the families involved. Daughters enjoyed considerable freedom and had many opportunities to meet young men.

Children under the age of 5 years underweight

5.2.1 Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls subjected to physical and/or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months. In these last two years, Belarusian women have had no time to dedicate to their children, because they have been busy with survival, revolution, help to the victims, war in Ukraine, and so on. It is worth noting that, in frames of the overall trend to reduce the number of QA professionals (i.e. software testers) per developer team, the number of female developers has exceeded the number of female-testers for the first time in seven years. This is certainly a positive sign on the way to destroying the myth that the place of women in the Belarusian IT is almost exclusively recruiting and testing. https://mkcstorevn.com/an-enduring-revolution-pakistani-womens-collective-action-for-change/ As for the structure of women’s unemployment itself, the highest unemployment rate, first, is among young women who have just graduated and now cannot find a job in their specialty, and secondly, among women from 45 to 55 years old.

Several times a year there were public gatherings in a larger village or town. The young couple had to live with the husband’s family and often marriage was a compromise.

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