Are you tired reviewing guides that tell you to eat healthy meals doze off and plan your revision schedules? Then, Bright Network skips all that so here are the eight techniques that will enable you to succeed and make sure you are entering your exam prepared to win.
Best tips to prepare yourself for tests
1. Be smart about how you spend your time.
A few minutes before you switch off the light is an excellent time to remember information. Training before bed can significantly boost memory retention. When you’re tucked up in bed take a moment to read through of the most essential facts, formulas, or vocabulary. Then switch off.
2. Take a good meal and enjoy it.
Spend the time to cook yourself an excellent dinner. The food I’m suggesting is not “brain food” like nuts or oily fish as a substitute for a meal you’d enjoy if you were celebrating and you wanted to indulge yourself for a while, such as steak or chocolate tart. This will leave you feeling satisfied and boost your energy in the morning to be ready for the next day.
3. Have a good time!
Have a fun activity like watching a comedy program with a good time, having a playdate or playing with photos on instagram. The laughter will calm you down, lower stress and help you get a great night’s rest.
4. You must be awake
Alarms are set. Set it for two. Ask a family member or acquaintance to verify your score should you be still anxious.follow the link At our site Make sure you go to the test on time.
5. Know when to stop
The next day, you should eat a hearty breakfast and go over your most important facts before leaving the house. Then again on the way to the test. When you arrive at the exam venue, don’t think about it. If you’re not prepared in the past, you aren’t going to! All that last minute stressing minutes before, could throw your brain into spin.
6. Use the space
When you’re in the exam hall make sure you sit comfortably and spread out. It’s been demonstrated that when we physically make ourselves larger, through spreading our arms or leaning forward on the chair, this releases some hormones that gives you confidence. It works – we promise.
7. Don’t drink too much
Do not drink too much of water Drinking a glass of water every hour is all you need. It is unlikely that dehydration will become a problem on the exam, but drinking several pints of water and needing restroom breaks for every five seconds is. It’s the sake of easing your brain and hand a breather.
8. Take the steps that work best for you.
Everyone is different. There are people who prefer to be alone during exams, others blare motivational music on their earphones. Perhaps you’re someone who loves to wear their shiniest pair of heels to boost their luck. Find whatever will put you in the best condition of mind, and you’ll be ready well to be able to pass the test.